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Why You Need a Gel Nail Polish Kit

Why You Need a Gel Nail Polish Kit

Gel polishes have revolutionized the techniques in the nail spa industry. One advantage with this product is that they allow for quick drying of the manicure process. Even for an amateur painter, gel polish gives a fine, glowing finish. Whichever way you look at it, this modern technique requires specialized tools to execute.

It is therefore important for every woman to possess an impeccable gel polish kit, it is convenient, and possible, to do a classic manicure at home. Note that gel polish does not change the shape or length of your nail – the nail polish is applied directly on the natural nail. Just like soft gel extensions, gel polish is also cured and hardened by a lamp. They are both removed using acetone.

How Perform A Perfect Gel Manicure at Home

The only way to execute neat home manicures is by owning a gel nail polish collection. Without this, the process will be arduous, and the results half-baked. Since there are numerous manicure kits in the market, maximum caution should be exercised before settling for one.

In this section, we highlight five accessories that are indispensable in a good gel polish set. These useful items may start you off in a rewarding journey of self nail treatment

5 Crucial Items In Gel Nail Polish Kits

Before purchasing a manicure set, check to see if the following items are included:

Cuticle Oil

The best cuticle oil is made out of safflower oil, jojoba oil or flaxseed oil. This type absorbs quickly into the skin. Look out for cuticle oil that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. In nail treatment, cuticle oil works as a moisturizer to restore the cuticles from harsh treatment.

Cuticle oil also increases blood circulation around your nails thus stimulating growth. The oil also heals the nail from trauma, which in turn improves the appearance of your fingers. It is cuticle oil that enhances the glow of gel manicure

Cuticle Cutter

When it comes to surgical items, choose stainless steel that is corrosion resistant. The best cuticle cutters measure between 5-7 inches, and are designed with curved ends on one side. A cuticle cutter works best when complimented with a dead shin fork, nail polish scraper, and a cuticle pusher.


Nail lamps are either UV or LED. Knowing the difference will help you make informed choices. UV light is the same light found in the sun. It is advised that you wear fingerless gloves during the curing process. Alternatively, you may apply high-protection SPF to minimize skin aging around the hands.

LED lamps also emit small amounts of UV radiation, protective measures can also be observed here. The wattage on a nail lamp makes a huge difference. Choose low wattage lamps. The latest lamps are designed with three timer seconds for the duration of exposure, and have a detachable adapter.

When choosing a nail kit, choose the one that has a small manageable lamp with a stylish design.

Nail Buffer

Good gel nail polish kits are furnished with nail files and buffer blocks of different grits. The best set has at least seven different grit textures. Each grit texture is numbered with number one representing coarse grit. A 5-inch buffer is the most convenient tool for buffing and giving the nails an extra shine.

Toe Separators

Toe separators for nail care procedures are made out of soft sponge. These accessories make the manicure process extremely easy, as each toe is set apart for treatment. A kit with toe separators will make manicure untidy and unpleasant.

This accessory is easy to use because you only have to slip the toes in between the wedges. Always remember to clean them afterwards with warm, soapy water. However, modern toe separators are disposable.

Considerations for The Best Gel Manicure

Gel polishes are beautiful and long-lasting. However, the process of application demands that you follow certain practices. This will help keep your nails in perfect health before and during a gel manicure. Some of these practices include:

Determine whether you are allergic to some of the chemicals used such as acetone. Do not underrate the importance of sunscreen. Fingerless gloves can also be worn.

When visiting a nail technician, always insist on proper sterilization of items. When gel polish shows signs of wearing out, it is proper to remove it at one place instead of peeling it in bits.  Remember to soak only the fingertips in acetone instead of the whole hand or finger.

Dermatologists prescribe a two week off from nail or gel polish. Leaving your nails naturally for two weeks allows for repair and growth. To maintain a radiant polish, apply petroleum jelly to eliminate brittleness.


A manicure set is a basic need for an urban woman. Many kits come along with top coat, matte top coat, and the base coat. They are also packed with various tools for a flawless manicure. The best gel nail polish kits offer different shades and useful tools such as nail brushes, nail clippers, and files.